
First, are the roots. Vincent and Maud strongly feel this heritage. “We have been in Treslon since 1818. Winegrowers since the 17th century. I don’t even know if it would be possible to imagine us anywhere else than here. This is a form of obviousness. Something that is not questionable “explains Vincent.

Maud and Vincent are brother and sister, with a difference of age of 13 years. Maud was the first to join the estate, in 2002. At that time, Bernard and Marie continue to run the domain which they took over in 1974. Her desire is clear: taking care of the vine. “I love nature, and working in the vineyard. This is my passion. I think it’s the heritage from my childhood.

I have always loved being in this place. There is something simple about it, straightforward and total. “.

In 2012, Vincent also joined the adventure. With his head full of ideas and desires. Cultivation methods, winemaking, brand image, work organization, commercial strategy: he wants to experiment, to invent, to develop the family heritage.

Passionate, committed, conscientious, he is involved in every element of his job. “I want and need to be everywhere. The vines allow me to be outside, closer to nature. Wine is a passion to share, a real pleasure. Marketing and sales come at the end ! I think if I had one wish, it would just be to have more time ! ” Not to mention that the estate is not only wine-growing.

“We are also farmers. My grandfather defined himself as such, whether it was for anything concerning cereal lands or for the vines. Our parents took the decision to launch a brand of champagne and to give another dimension to the wine part. But agriculture is still there. And that’s important to me. When I was younger, I used to talk about becoming a ‘farmer and winegrower’. This is my approach to consider this profession! ”

Over the years, Vincent learns, tries and tries again, experiments, advances, progresses, and defines the winemaker he wishes to be.

“I fumbled for several years. With Maud and Claire (our second sister who worked with us from 2004 to 2021), we were constantly questioning ourselves. In 2017, I had a click. In connection with training on the issue of soils. It has become crystal clear. I wanted local wines. Wines that tell about our roots. Family roots, but also cultural roots. For this, I wanted the terroir to be able to express itself, for the vine to be able to draw deep into the soil. We have therefore undertaken to modify our cultivation practices. And today, we have made the choice to move towards organic certification.